Kargo anlaşmaları, e-ticaret yapan firmaların gönderi maliyetini düşürmek için yaptığı bir işlemdir. Kargo anlaşmasının nasıl yapılacağını öğrenmek için Tıkla!

E-Ticaret Kargo Anlaşması Nasıl Yapılır

E-ticarette önemli faktör olan kargo anlaşması nedir? Nasıl yapılmalı? Büyük kargo firmaları nasıl anlaşma yapıyor? Şartları nelerdir? Merak edilen tüm kargo anlaşması soruları için cevaplar yazımızda…Kargo anlaşması nedir?E ticaret kargo anlaşması, e ticaret faaliyeti yapan şirketler için
Live support system in e-commerce provides many advantages for companies in terms of customer satisfaction and sales trigger. Click here to learn these advantages!

Benefits of Live Chat Support for E-Commerce Websites

Would you like to learn about the benefits of live chat support on your website? What are the benefits of providing instant answers to questions on an e-commerce website? You will find all of these in our article on the benefits of live chat support for e-commerce websites.What is Live Support System in E-commerce?Live
Customer reviews are one of the most important factors that trigger sales action in e-commerce. Click here to increase the number and quality of your customer reviews!

10 Tips to Increase Customer Reviews in E-commerce

Customer reviews have become increasingly important in e-commerce today. Do you want to increase the number of reviews from your customers? In this article, we will examine tips on how to increase customer reviews in e-commerce. Why are customer reviews important in e-commerce?Customer reviews and ratings for products
We have compiled everything you need to know about the "Law on Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6563" in e-commerce law. Take a look now!

Things You Need to Know About E-Commerce Law

We will provide answers to what are the rules to be followed in e-commerce, e-commerce law, principles and procedures, and the topics of interest related to the e-commerce law. All of these will be compiled in this article. What are the Obligations Imposed by the E-Commerce Law No. 6563 on Concerned Parties?The E-Comme
Click here to see the special days of the year that E-commerce companies eagerly await due to the doubling of sales, and important campaign ideas for these days!

Important Campaign Days for E-commerce Companies

Why are Special Days and Weeks Important for E-commerce?Special occasions and weeks offer important opportunities for e-commerce businesses. These types of special occasions and weeks increase customers' shopping tendencies and help businesses increase their sales.In addition, special occasions and weeks provide op
If e-Archive Invoices created via the e-Archive portal are incorrect, they can be canceled. Click here for points to be careful about to avoid errors.

How to cancel e-Archive invoices?

What is e-Archive Invoice?E-Arşiv fatura, elektronik fatura uygulaması kapsamı dışında kalan kurum-kişi arasındaki kağıt fatura işlemleri ve saklanmasının elektronik ortama taşındığı fatura türüdür.E-Archive invoice is a type of invoice where paper invoice transactions between institutions and indi
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